Computer Vision
Computing properties of 3D world from visual data.
Algorithms and representations to allow a machine to recognize objects, people, scenes, activities.
Organization & Search
Algorithms to mine, search, and interact with visual data
Digital Image Acquisition
Keyword: Energy
- Energy transfer form sun, light bulb to scene to optical system
- Lens focuses energy onto sensor
- Digital sensor measures amount of energy, convert light into electrical charge
Energy -> Exposure (Brightness)
To express $n$ pixel intensities in an image: $sqrt(n)$ bits are required
Images in Python
image(y, x, b) = y pixels down, x pixels to right in the $b^{th}$ channel
RGB Colour Model - Additive
Electronic display & photography
Based on trichromatic human perception of colours
Default colour space
Colour to Greyscale
$I = W_R * R + W_G * G + W_B * B$
$W_R + W_G + W_B = 1$ -> To keep values within [0, 255]
Colour Spaces
RGB Colour Space
(0, 50 , 0) (0, 100 , 0) (0, 223 , 0) are the same colour but with different illumination levels
Normalize RGB
(R, G, B) <=> (r, g, I)
$r = R / (R + G + B)$
$g = G / (R + G + B)$
$b = 1 - r - g$
$I = (R + G + B) / 3$ is Illumination (amount of light) -> intensity carries more information
HSV Colour Space
Hue (色调): dominant wavelength in perceived light
Saturation (饱和度): amount of white light mixed with the pure colour
$H = ((G - B) / (V - min(R, G, B))) * 60°$ if $V = R$ and $G ≥ B$
$= (((B - R)/ (V - min(R, G, B))) + 2) * 60°$ if $V = G$
$= (((R - G)/ (V - min(R, G, B))) + 4) * 60°$ if $V = B$
$= (((R - B)/ (V - min(R, G, B))) + 5) * 60°$ if $V = R$ and $G ≤ B$
$S = (V - min(R, G, B)) / V$ for $S \in [0, 1]$
$V = max(R, G, B)$ for $V \in [0, 255]$
YCbCr Colour Space
Y is the same as rgb to greyscale conversion
L*a*b* Colour Space
L is the same as rgb to greyscale conversion
Colour-Based Image Retrival
Extract and store one* color histogram per image
Extract the query image color histogram
Compute intersection between query histogram and each database histogram
Sort intersection values
Rank database items relative to query based on this sorted order
+ No spatial informaiton: invariant to translation, rotation, scale
-: Not very discriminative
Colour-Based Skin Detection
Colour-Based Segmentation
Point Processing
Adjusting Brightness
$x_{ij} = p_{ij} + b$
Clipping behaviour
Adjusting Contrast
$x_{ij} = a \times p_{ij}$
Image Normalization (Whitening)
$x_{ij} = (p_{ij} - \mu) / \delta$
Resulting image pixels are 0 mean, unit variance
Gamma Mapping
$x_{ij} = 255 \cdot (p_{ij} / 255)^\gamma$ $\gamma > 0$
When $\gamma$ <1: increasing mid-levels increases the dynamics in the dark areas
when $\gamma$ > 1: depressing mid-levels increases the dynamics in the bright areas
Logarithmic & Exponential Mappings
Image Histogram
Information is global — Pixel locations don’t matter
Histogram Stretching
Histogram Equalization: Forces the histogram of intensities to be the same
Equalization can deal with the situation that low contrast image with pure white/black pixels inside it, i.e. cannot be stretched.
Histogram is good for thresholding to detect object and background, but only for those in which objects and background are separated in image.
Motivation: noise reduction
Common types of noise
Salt and pepper noise
random occurrences of black and white pixels
Impulse noise
random occurrences of white pixels
Gaussian noise
variations in intensity drawn from a Gaussian distribution
$p_{ij} = \hat p_{ij} + \eta$
observation = ideal image + noise
Correlation filtering
Averaging window size: 2k+1 x 2k+1
Averaging Filtering (Box Filtering)
Uniform weight: $x_{ij} = {1 \over 2k+1 }^2 \sum_{u=-k}^k\sum_{v=-k}^kp_{i+u, j+v}$
Can be used to smooth picture
The larger the filter is, the more blurred the image is.
Linear Filtering
Different weights (Cross-correlation): $\sum_{u=-k}^k\sum_{v=-k}^kf_{uv}\cdot p_{i+u, j+v}$
$f_{uv}$ is the weight depends on neighbour’s relative position wrt $p_{ij}$
$X = F \otimes P$, $F$ is filter kernel
Gaussian Filtering (Low-Pass Filter)
$f_{uv} = {1\over 2\pi\delta^2}e^{-{u^2+v^2\over\delta^2}}$
Removes high-frequency components from the image
$\delta^2$ variance determines extent of smoothing
Median Filter
Sort the neighbours of a pixel with itself, pick the median value as its new value
- No new pixel values introduced
- Removes spikes: good for impulse, salt & pepper noise
Possibilities for Boundaries
- zero-padding
- wrap around
- copy edge
- reflect across edge
What is filtering good for
- Enhance an image (denoising, sharping, etc)
Extract information (texture, edges, etc)
- Find patterns (template matching)
Convolution vs. Cross-correlation
Flip the kernel in both dimensions, then apply cross-correlation
$x_{ij} = \sum_{u=-k}^k\sum_{v=-k}^kf_{uv}\cdot p_{i-u, j-v}$
$X = F * P$
$x_{ij} = \sum_{u=-k}^k\sum_{v=-k}^kf_{uv}\cdot p_{i+u, j+v}$
For Gaussian or box filter, they are the same