

Feature Matching

An object as a collection of bag of features

  • deals well with occlusion
  • scale invariant
  • rotation invariant
  • position of parts is not important
  • Works well for object instances
  • Not great for generic object categories
  • Simple
  • Efficient algorithms
  • Robust to deformations
  • No spatial reasoning

Bag Of Words

Works pretty well for image-level classification, less okay for object detection because spatial layout gets lost and objects are with shape and boundaries

Present a data item (document, texture, image) as a histogram over features

Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)

$TF = n(w_i, d) = { \#~of~w_i~appearance \over \#~of~all~word~d}$

$IDF = log { {D \over \sum_d’ 1[w_i \in d’]}} = log { {\#~of~all~documents \over \#~of~all~documents ~has~this~word~w_i } }$

$TFIDF = n(w_i, d)\alpha_i = n(w_i, d) log { {D \over \sum_d’ 1[w_i \in d’]}} = TF * IDF$

Texture recognition

Characterized by repetition of basic elements or textons

Assumes that each texture is sufficiently represented purely by the occurrence distribution of the textons.

Standard BOW Pipeline

Dictionary Learning: Learn Visual Words using clustering

Which Features to Extract

BOW aggregates local information

SIFT (the descriptor) is preferred due to its discriminativeness

  • To find specific textured objects, sparse sampling from interest points often more reliable.

  • Multiple complementary interest operators offer more image coverage.
  • For object categorization, dense sampling offers better coverage.

Clustering is a common method for learning a visual vocabulary or codebook

If the training set is sufficiently representative, the codebook will be universal

Encode: Build Bags-of-Words (BOW) vectors for each image

  • Quantization: associate each image feature to a visual word (nearest cluster center)
  • Histogram: count the number of visual word occurrences

Classify: Train and test data using BOWs


  • flexible to geometry / deformations / viewpoint
  • compact summary of image content

  • provides fixed dimensional vector representation for sets
  • very good results in practice


  • background and foreground mixed when bag covers whole image
  • optimal vocabulary formation remains unclear
  • basic model ignores geometry – must verify afterwards, or encode it somehow within via features


Important to normalize: dimensions have different scales

Hyper-parameters are highly problem-dependent, need to choose via validation data.


  • simple yet effective


  • search is expensive (can be speed-up) - O(mn)
  • storage requirements - O(m)
  • difficulties with high-dimensional data - comparison of distance measure becomes more difficult with higher-dimensional data

Spatial Reasoning

  1. Extract features

  2. Match features
  3. Spatial verification


  • Retains spatial constraints
  • Robust to deformations


  • Computationally expensive
  • Generalization to large inter-class variation (e.g., modeling chairs)

Window Classification

Template Matching
  1. Get image window
  2. Extract features
  3. Compare with template
  • Retains spatial constraints
  • Can be highly discriminative
  • Many many possible windows to evaluate
  • Requires large amounts of data
  • Sometimes (very) slow to train

Window-Based Object Detection Framework

  1. Build/train object model
    • Choose a representation
    • Learn or fit parameters of model / classifier
  2. Generate candidate windows in new image

    • test all locations and scales

    Scale the image instead of the template

  3. Score the candidate

  4. Resolve detections (NMS)

    • Rescore candidates based on entire set

    Threshold & apply non-maximum suppression

Why scale the image and not the template?

Template is complicated and scale-specific; unlikely to survive a resizing operation, so we scale input image instead.

When it is simple, e.g. Viola-Jones, it is okay (and actually more efficient) to rescale the detector / template / features.

  • Area of Overlap

    $AO(B_{gt}, B_p) = {B_{gt} \cap B_p \over B_{gt} \cup B_p}$

  • Average Percision

    Averages precision over the entire range of recall

    A good score requires both high recall and high precision

Deal with different viewpoint

Often train different models for a few different viewpoints

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Maximum Margin solution: most stable to perturbations of data

Margin: the gap between parallel hyperplanes $2\over \parallel w \parallel$ is maximized

Trade-off between the margin and the mistakes

Multi-class SVMs
One vs. all
  • Training: learn an SVM for each class vs. the rest

  • Testing: apply each SVM to test example and assign to it the class of the SVM that returns the highest decision value

One vs. one
  • Training: learn an SVM for each pair of classes
  • Testing: each learned SVM “votes” for a class to assign to the test example
Convert the Classification Score to Confidence Score

$y = {1 \over 1 + e^{Ax+B}}$

$A$ and $B$ are fitted based on classifier outputs (i.e. from validation data) s.t. the same classifications result


  • Widely available and built into virtually any machine learning package

    Kernel-based framework is very powerful, flexible

  • Compact model

  • Work very well in practice, even with very small training sample sizes


  • No “direct” multi-class SVM, must combine two-class SVMs
  • Can be tricky to select best kernel function for a problem
  • Computation, memory
    • During training time, must compute matrix of kernel values for every pair of examples
    • Learning can take a very long time for large-scale problems

Dalal-Triggs Pedestrian Detector

applying SVMs to window-based object detection using HoG (histogram of oriented graidents).

Object model = sum of scores of features at fixed positions!

  1. Extract fixed-sized (64x128 pixel) window at each position and scale

    Normalize gamma & color

  2. Compute HOG (histogram of gradient) features within each window

    Orientations: 9 bins (for unsigned angles 0 - 180)

    • Votes weighted by magnitude
    • Bilinear interpolation between cells
    • Histograms over k x k pixel cells (similar to SIFT)

    Contrast normalized over overlapping spatial blocks

    • Normalize wrt surrounding cells
    • Concatenate all cell responses from block into vector
    • Normalize vector
    • Extract responses from cell of interest
    • Do this 4x for each overlapping block

    $#features= # cells \times # orientations \times # normalizations~by ~neighboring~cells$

  3. Score the window with a linear SVM classifier

  4. Perform non-maxima suppression to remove overlapping detections with lower scores

Pedestrian detection with HOG

  • Learn a pedestrian template using a SVM
  • At test time, compare feature map with template over sliding windows.
  • Find local maxima of response
  • Multi-scale template: repeat over multiple levels of a HOG pyramid


  • Sliding window detection and global appearance descriptors follow a simple implementation protocol
  • Good feature choices critical
  • Past successes for certain classes


  • High computational complexity
    • $#locations \times #orientations \times #scales$ evaluations!
    • If training binary detectors independently, cost increases linearly with number of classes
  • FP rate can be high


  • Some objects are not box shaped
  • Non-rigid, deformable objects not captured well with representations assuming a fixed 2d structure; or must assume fixed viewpoint
  • Objects with less-regular textures not captured well with holistic appearance-based descriptions
  • If considering windows in isolation, context is lost
  • In practice, often entails large, cropped training set (expensive)
  • Requiring good match to a global appearance description can lead to sensitivity to partial occlusions

Tricks of the trade

  • Template size
    • Typical choice is size of smallest detectable object
  • “Jittering” to create synthetic positive examples
    • Create slightly rotated, translated, scaled, mirrored versions as extra positive examples
  • Bootstrapping to get hard negative examples
    • Randomly sample negative examples
    • Train detector
    • Sample negative examples that score > -1
    • Repeat until all high-scoring negative examples fit in memory

Viola-Jones Face Detector

Slow to train but detection is very fast

  1. Integral images for fast feature evaluation

    $I_\sum (x, y) = \sum_{x’≤x, y’≤y} i(x’, y’)$

    So that only 3 additions are required for any size of rectangle

  2. Boosting for feature selection

    Features that are fast to compute - “Haar-like features”

    • Differences of sums of intensity $Value = \sum (pixels~in~white~area) -\sum(pixels~in~black~area) $
    • Computed at different positions and scales within sliding window

    In each boosting round:

    • Find the weak classifier that achieves the lowest weighted training error.

    • Raise the weights of training examples misclassified by current weak classifier.
    • Compute final classifier as linear combination of all weak classifier.
    • Weight of each classifier is directly proportional to its accuracy.

    $h(x) = sign(\sum^M_{j=1}\alpha_jh_j(x))$

    $h$: final strong learner

    $x$: window

    $\alpha_j$: learner weight

    $h_j$: weak learner

    Choose weak learner that minimizes error on the weighted training set, then reweight

  3. Attentional cascade for fast non-face window rejection

    Reject many nagative examples but detect almost all positive examples

    • Set target detection and false positive rates for each stage
    • Keep adding features to current stage until target rates have been met
      • Need to lower boosting threshold to maximize detection (as opposed to minimizing total classification error)
      • Test on a validation set
    • If the overall false positive rate is not low enough, add another stage
    • Use false positives from current stage as the negative training examples for the next stage

    Chain classifiers that are progressively more complex and have lower false positive rates

Boosting vs. SVM

Advantages of boosting

  • Integrates classifier training with feature selection
  • Complexity of training is linear instead of quadratic in the number of training examples
  • Flexibility in the choice of weak learners, boosting scheme
  • Testing is fast


  • Needs many training examples
  • Training is slow
  • Often doesn’t work as well as SVM (especially for many-class problems)

For 1 Mpix, to avoid having a false positive in every image, our false positive rate has to be less than $10^{-6}$

  • Sliding window for search
  • Features based on differences of intensity (gradient, wavelet, etc.)
    • Excellent results require careful feature design
  • Boosting for feature selection
  • Integral images, cascade for speed
  • Bootstrapping to deal with many negative examples