Global Snapshot


Global Snapshot


An algorithm that captures a global state is called a global snapshot algorithm


Take a snapshot of the global computation


No process has access to the global state of the system

Time-Based Model

A snapshot of local states on n processes taken at exactly the same time

Happened-Before Model

A snapshot of local states that are all concurrent with each other, i.e. no two states have a happened-before relationship with each other

The global state in the time-based model is also a global state in the happened-before model
We choose to use the definition for the global state from the happened-before model
  • Impossible to determine whether a given global state occurs in the time-based model without access to perfectly synchronized local clocks
  • Program properties that are of interest are often more simply stated in the happened-before model than in the time-based model

Consistent snapshot

A snapshot of local states on n processes such that the global snapshot could have happended sometime in the past

Global snapshot

A set of events such that if e2 is in the set and e1 is before e2 in process order, then e1 must be in the set

Consistent global snapshot

A global snapshot such that if e2 is in the set and e1 is before e2 in send-receive order, then e1 must be in the set

Existence of Consistent Global Snapshot

Consider the ordered events e1, e2, … on any given process

Theorem: For any positive integer m, there exists a consistent global snapshot S such that $e_i \in S$ for $i≤m$, $e_i \notin S$ for $i>m$

Capturing a Consistent Global Snapshot

Communication Model

  • No message loss
  • Communication channels are unidirectional
  • FIFO delivery on each channel
Ensuring FIFO:
  • Each process maintains a message number counter for each channel and stamps each message sent
  • Receiver will only deliver messages in order

Chandy&Lamport’s Protocol: Taking local snapshots


Channels are FIFO is essential to the correctness of the algorithm as explained later.

  • We need to ensure that the recorded local states are mutually concurrent
  • We also need a mechanism to capture the state of the channels
Each process is either
  • Red (it has taken the local snapshot), OR
  • White (it has not taken the local snapshot)

Protocol initiated by a single process by turning itself from White to Red

Once a process turns to Red, it immediately send out Marker messages to all other processes

Upon receiving Marker, a process turns Red

Next, we would like also to capture messages that are “on-the-fly” when the snapshot is taken


Requires that a marker be sent along all channels, thus it has an overhead of $e$ messages, where $e$ is the number of unidirectional channels in the system.
