Models and Clocks



Interleaving Model of Computation

Assuming the all events are instantaneous, that no two events are simultaneous, and that a shared physical clock is available, we can totally order all the events in the system.

Logical clock

A mechanism to generate a total order that could have happened in the system

Distributed computation
  • A global sequence of events
  • All events in a run are interleaved

Happened-before Model

If there is no shared physical clock, then we can observe a total order among events on a single processor but only a partial order between events on different processors.

The order for events on different processors is determined on the basis of the information flow from one processor to another.

Vector clock

Assigns timestamps to states (and events) such that the happened-before relationship between states can be determined by using the timestamps

Distributed computation

The happened-before relation $(\rightarrow)$ is the smallest relation that satisfies

  • If $e$ occured before $f$ in the same process, then $e \rightarrow f$
  • If $e$ is the send event of a message and $f$ is the receive event of the same message, then $e \rightarrow f$
  • If there exists an event $g$ such that $(e \rightarrow g)$ and $(g \rightarrow f)$, then $(e \rightarrow f)$

If $\neg(e \rightarrow f) \and \neg(f \rightarrow e)$, we say that $e$ and $f$ are concurrent ($e \parallel f$).

Distributed System

Absence of a shared clock

Impossible to synchronize the clocks of different processors precisely due to uncertainty in communication delays between them

Absence of shared memory

Impossible for any one processor to know the global state of the system

Absence of accurate failure detection

Impossible to distinguish between a slow processor and a failed processor for a distributed system where there is no upper bound on message delays

Software Clocks

Incur much lower overhead than maintaining (sufficiently accurate) physical clocks


  • Capture event ordering that are visible to users who do not have physical clocks

  • Capture happened-before relation

Happened-Before Relation

A partial order among events

Process order, send-receive order, transitivity

Logical Clocks

Each event has a single integer as its logical clock

  • Each process has a local counter C
  • Increment C at each “local computation” and “send” event
  • When sending a message, logical clock value V is attached to the message. At each “receive” event, C = max(C, V) + 1


Event s happens before t => the logical clock value of s is smaller than the logical clock value of t

The reverse may not be true

The constraint for logical clocks models

  • the sequential nature of execution at each process
  • the physical requirement that any message transmission requires a nonzero amount of time

An accurate physical clock is also a logical clock

If we extend the logical clock with the process number, then we6 get a total ordering on events

Vector Clocks

Each event has a vector of n integers as its vector clock

v1 = v2 if all n fields same

v1 ≤ v2 if every field in v1 is less than or equal to the corresponding field in v2

v1 < v2 if v1 ≤ v2 and v1 ≠ v2

Relation < here is not a total order, i.e. possible to find v1 ≮ v2 and v2 ≮ v1

  • Each process i has a local vector C
  • Increment C[i] at each “local computation” and “send” event
  • When sending a message, vector clock value V is attached to the message. At each “receive” event, C = pairwise-max(C, V); C[i]++;

If we know the processes the vectors came from, the comparison between two states can be made in constant time: $s \rightarrow t \Leftrightarrow (s.v[s.p] ≤ t.v[s.p]) \and (s.v[t.p] < t.v[t.p])$


Event s happens before t <=> the vector clock value of s is smaller than the vector clock value of t


It requires $O(n)$ integers to be sent with every message.

Direct-Dependency Clocks

  • Each process i has a local vector C
  • Increment C[i] at each “local computation” and “send” event
  • When sending a message, local component $V[sender]$ is attached to the message. At each “receive” event,
    • $C[sender] = max(C[sender], sentValue)$
    • $C[receiver]=max(C[receiver], sentValue) + 1$

$\forall s, t: s.p≠t.p: (s \rightarrow_d t) \Leftrightarrow (s.v[s.p]≤t.v[s.p])$

Matrix Clocks

Each event has n vector clocks, one for each process

Then i th vector on process i is called process i’s principle vector

Principle vector is the same as vector clock before

Non-principle vectors are just piggybacked on messages to update “knowledge”

For principle vector C on process i
  • Increment $C[i][i]$ at each “local computation” and “send” event
  • When sending a message, all n vectors are attached to the message
  • At each “receive” event, let C be the principle vector of the sender. C = pairwise-max(C, V); C[i]++;
For non-principle vector C on process i, suppose it corresponds to process j
  • At each “receive” event, let V be the vector corresponding to process j as in the received message. C = pairwise-max(C, V)

$\forall s, t: s.p≠t.p: s \rightarrow t \equiv s.M[s.p,:]<t.M[t.p,:]$