Uninformed Search


Fully observable, deterministic, discrete environment.

Problem Formulation

  • Goal Test

  • Path Cost

Start at the source node, keep searching until we reach a goal state.

Frontier: Nodes that we have seen but haven’t explored yet

At each iteration, choose a node from the frontier, explore it, and add its neighbors to the frontier.

A node that’s been explored once will not be revisited.


Implementation: States vs. Nodes


Represents a physical configuration.


A data structure constituting part of search tree.

It includes state, parent node, action, and path cost g(n).

Two different nodes are allowed to contain same world state.

Search Strategies

Any deterministic search algorithm is determined by the order of node expansion.

Evaluation Criteria


Always find a solution if exists


Find a least-cost solution

Time complexity

Number of nodes generated

Space complexity

Max number of nodes in memory

Problem Parameters


maximum # of successors of any node (may be $\infin$)


depth of shallowest (may not be optimal) goal node


maximum depth of search tree (may be $\infin$)

Uninformed search strategies use only the Information available in the problem definition

  • goal test
  • path cost
  • initial state
  • actions
  • transition model

Expand shallowest unexpanded node


Frontier is a FIFO queue, i.e., insert new successors at the end

Complete Yes (if b is finite)
Optimal No (unless step cost = 1)
Time $O(b) + O(b^2) + … + O(b^d) = O(b^d)$
Space Max size of frontier $O(b^d)$

Space is the bigger problem (more than time)


Expand least-path-cost unexpanded node


Priority queue ordered by path cost $g$

Equivalent to BFS if all step costs are equal

Complete Yes (if all step costs are ≥ $\epsilon$)
Optimal Yes (shortest path nodes expanded first)
Time $O(b^{1+\left \lfloor{C^\over \epsilon}\right \rfloor})$ where $C^$ is the optimal cost
Space $O(b^{1+\left \lfloor{C^*\over \epsilon}\right \rfloor})$

At every round we get at least a distance of $\epsilon$ closer to the goal

Reach nodes at distance $0$, $\epsilon$, $2\epsilon$, …, $\left \lfloor{C^\over \epsilon}\right \rfloor\epsilon$ of goal; total $\left\lfloor{C^\over\epsilon}\right\rfloor+1$ steps

At step $k$ (depth $k$ at most): keep ≤ $b^k$ nodes in frontier


Expand deepest unexpanded node


Frontier = LIFO stack, i.e. insert successors at the front

Complete No on infinite depth graphs
Optimal No
Time $O(b^m)$, $m$ is last level, may not be the shallowest goal level
Space $O(bm)$ (can be $O(m)$)

When checking a node $v$, we push at most $b$ descendants to stack.

We do so at most $m$ times => $O(bm)$ space.

We do not really need to push all $b$ descendants to the stack, can only push one.


Run DFS with depth limit $l$, i.e., do not search at depth greater thant $l$.

Same guarantees as DFS, with $l$ instead of $m$


Perform DLSs with increasing depth limit until goal node is found

Better if state space is large and depth of solution is unknown

Complete Yes (if b is finite)
Optimal No (unless step cost is 1)
Time $O(b^d)$
Space $O(bd)$ (can be $O(d)$)