Informed Search


Use an evaluation function $f(n)$ for each node $n$

Cost estimate -> Expand node with lowest evaluation/cost first


Frontier = priority queue ordered by nondecreasing cost $f$

Evaluation function

$f(n)=h(n)$ (heuristic function) = estimated cost of cheapest path from $n$ to goal


Expands the node that appears to be closest to goal

Complete Yes (if $b$ is finite, because it’s a queue)
Optimal No (e.g. a triangle with length 1, 2, 2)
Time $O(b^m)$, but a good heuristic can reduce complexity substantially
Space Max size of frontier $O(b^m)$

$m$ is the depth of the solution


Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive

Evaluation function


$g(n)$: cost of reaching $n$ from start node

$h(n)$: cost estimate from $n$ to goal

$f(n)$: estimated cost of cheapest path through $n$ to goal


Admissible Heuristics

$h(n)$ is admissible, if $\forall n$, $h(n) ≤ h^*(n)$

$h^*(n)$: true cost to reach the goal state from $n$

Never overestimates cost to reach goal


If $h(n)$ is admissible, then $A^$ using *tree search​ is optimal.

Consistent Heuristics

$h(n)$ is consistent, if for every node $n$ and every successor $n’$ of $n$ generated by any action $a$, $h(n) ≤ d(n, n’) + h(n’)$

$f(n)$ is non-decreasing along any path


If $h(n)$ is consistent, then $A^$ using *graph search​ is optimal.

Stronger claim: when $A^*$ selects a node $n$ for expansion, the shortest path to $n$ has been found.

Complete Yes (if there is a finite no. of nodes with $f(n)≤f(G)$)
Optimal Yes
Time $O(b^{h^(s_0)-h(s_0)})$ where $h^(s_0)$ is actual cost of getting from root to goal
Space Max size of frontier $O(b^m)$

Admissible vs. Consistent Heuristics

Consistent => Admissible

Admissible ≠> Consistent


If $h_2(n)≥h_1(n)$ for all $n$ (both admissible), then $h_2$ dominates $h_1$. It follows that $h_2$ incurs lower search cost than $h_1$.

The path to goal is irrelevant; the goal state itself is the solution.

Local search algorithms

Maintain single “current best” state and try to improve it


  • very little/constant memory
  • find reasonable solutions in large state space

Use of heuristic function to improve “current” state


Depending on initial state, can get stuck in local maxima

Non-guaranteed fixed
  • sideway moves

  • random restarts