Constraint Satisfication Problems
$\vec{X}=X_1,…,X_n;$ each variable $X_i$ has a domain $D_i$
Constraints $\vec{C}$
Constraint scope: which variables are involved
constraint relation: what is the relation between them
Find a legal assignment ($y_1,…,y_n$) of values to variables
$y_i\in D_i$ for all $i \in [n]$
constrains are all satisfied
Binary CSP
Each constraint relates two variables
Constraint graph
Nodes are variables, links are constraints
CSP Variants
Discrete variables
- Finite domains
$n$ variables, domain size $d \rightarrow O(d^n)$ complete assignment
- Infinite domains
integers, strings, etc.
need a constraint language
Continuous variables
Linear programming problems(i.e., with linear constraints) can be solved in polynomial time
Unary constraints
Single variable
Binary constraints
Global (i.e., higher-order) constraints
3 or more variables
Standard Search Formulation (Incremental)
Each state is a partial variable assignment
Initial state
The empty assignment
Transition function
Assign a valid value to an unassigned variable => fail if no valid assignments
Goal test
All variables have been assigned
Backtracking Search
Order of variable assignment is irrelevant
At every level, consider assignments to a single variable
DFS for CSPs with single-variable/level assignments is called backtracking search
Improving backtracking efficiency
General-purpose heuristics can give huge time gains
- SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VARIABLE: Which variable should be assigned next
- ORDER-DOMAIN-VALUES: In what order should its values be tried
- INFERENCE: How can domain reductions on unassigned variables be inferred
Most Constrained Variable
Choose the variable with fewest legal values
Minimum-remaining-values (MRV) heuristic
Most Constraining Variable
Choose the variable with most constraints on remaining unassigned variables
Degree heuristic
Least Constraining Value
Given a variable, choose the value that rules out the fewest values for neighboring unassigned variables
Inference in CSPs
Forward Checking
- Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables
- Terminate search when any variable has no legal values
Constraint Propagation
Repeatedly locally enforces constraints.
Inference in CSPs
Try to infer illegal values for variables by performing constraint propagation
Arc Consistency
$X_i$ is arc-consistent wrt $X_j$ (the $arc (X_i, X_j)$ is consistent) iff for every $x \in D_i$ there exists some value $y \in D_j$ that satisfies the binary constraint on the $arc(X_i, X_j)$.
If $X \leftarrow x$ makes a constraint impossible to satisfy, remove $x$ from consideration
If $X_i$ loses a value, neighbors of $X_i$ need to be rechecked
Reducing $D_i$ may result in domain reduction for others.
Arc consistency propagation detects failure earlier than forward checking.
Can be run as a preprocessing step or after each assignment.
Time Complexity: $O(n^2d^3)$
- CSP has at most $n^2$ directed arcs
- Each $arc(X_i, X_j)$ can be inserted at most $d$ times because $X_i$ has at most $d$ values to delete
- REVISE: Checking the consistency of an arc takes $O(d^2)$ time
It is a 2-consistency, can be extended to k-consistency.
Maintaining AC
Min-conflicts Heuristic
Choose value that violates the fewest constraints
CSPs with Binary Constraints as Graphs
If CSP constraint graph is a tree, then we can compute a satisfying assignment (or decide that one does not exist) in $O(nd^2)$ time
- Make parents arc-consistent with children
- $n$ steps taking $O(d^2)$ time each
- If step 1 succeeds, assign values from root down
- $n$ steps taking $O(d)$ time each
Different topological sort possibly give different solutions, but it cannot be that one topo sort returns false and another returns true.
This algorithm cannot count the number of solutions.