

A distributed algorithm is self-stabilizing if

  • Starting from any (legal or illegal) state, the protocol will eventually reach a legal state if there are no more faults
  • Once the system is in a legal state, it will only transit to other legal states unless there are faults

The Rotating Privilege Problem

A ring of $n$ processes, each process can only communicate with neighbors.

There is a privilege in the system,

  • At any time, only one node may have the privilege
  • The privilege needs to “rotate” among the nodes so that each node has a chance

The Rotating Privilege Algorithm

Each process $i$ has a local integer variable $V_i$, $0 ≤ V_i < k$ where $k ≥ n$

Always retrieve value $L$ of the clockwise neighbor.

For bottom process
if (L == V) then V = (V + 1) % k
For normal process
if (L != V) then V = L

System in legal state if exactly one process has the privilege and changes its value

Lemma: The following are legal states and are the only legal state

Case A: All $n$ values are the same

Case B: Only two different values forming two consecutive bands, and one band starts from the bottom process


Consider the value $V$ of the bottom process and the value $L$ of its clockwise neighbor

Case 1: V = L

Bottom process can make a move.

No other process should be able to make a move.

Case A

Case 2: V != L

Starting from the bottom process, find counter-clockwise the first normal process whose value is different from its clockwise neighbor. Such normal process must exist since $V != L$.

This normal process can make a move.

No other process should be able to make a move.

Case B

The only action that can change the system state happens when:

  • Bottom process: $V = L$, $V=(V+1) \mod k$

    Case A $\rightarrow$ Case B

  • Normal process: $V!=L$

    Case B $\rightarrow$ Case A or B

Lemma 1: Let P be a normal process, and let Q be P’s clockwise neighbor. If Q makes $i$ moves, then P can make at most $i+1$ move.

Lemma 2: Let Q be the bottom process. If Q makes $i$ moves, then system-wide there can be at most $i+(i+1)+(i+2)+…+(i+n-1)=ni+{(n-1)n \over 2}$ moves:

Lemma 3: Consider a sequence of $(n^2-n)/2+1$ moves in the system. The bottom process makes at least one move in the sequence.

Lemma 4: In any system state (regardless of legal or not), there is always at least one process that can make a move.

Lemma 5: Regardless of the starting state, the system eventually reach a state T where the bottom process has a different value from the values of any other process.

Proof: Let Q be the bottom process. If in the starting state Q has the same value as some other process, then there must be an integer $j (0 ≤ j ≤ k-1)$ that is not the value of any process.

  • In any state, at least one process can make move (Lemma 4)
  • Eventually, the number of moves will approach infinity
  • Q moves once among every consecutive $(n^2-n)/2+1$ moves of the system (Lemma 3)
  • Q will make infinite number of moves
  • Q will eventually take $j$ as its value.

Lemma 6: If the system is in a state where the bottom process has a different value from all other process, then the system will eventually reach another state where all processes have the same value.

Proof: Let the bottom process be $P_1$, and let $P_1$’s value be $x$. Starting from the bottom process and counter-clockwise along the ring, let the blue processes be $P_2$, $P_3$, …, $P_n$.

  • Let $t$ be such that $P_1$ through $P_t$ all have the same value $x$, and $P_{t+1}$ through $P_n$ all have values different from $x$.
  • Initially $t=1$. We will prove that for any $t = s$, $t$ will become $s+1$ at some point of time. Hence eventually $t$ will be $n$, and we are done.
  • Note that $P_{s+1}$ will take the value of $x$ once it takes an action. Denote this event as $E$.
  • Before event $E$, $P_{s+2}$ through $P_n$ can never take the value of x.
  • Also, since $P_n$ can never take the value of $x$ before event $E$, $P_1$ through $P_s$ can never change their value before event $E$. Hence, immediately after event $E$ happens, $t$ becomes $s+1$.

Self Stabilizing Spanning Tree Algorithm

Each process maintains two variables:

  • parent
  • dist: distance to root

dist = 0, parent = null

  • Request dist from all neighbors
  • Set dist = 1 + min(dist from neighbors)

  • Set parent = neighbor providing min. dist

Correctness Proof


The minimum time period where each process has executed its code at least once


The length of the shortest path from process to the root

  • A node at level X has at least one neighbor in level X-1
  • A node at level X can only have neighbors in level X-1, X, and X+1.

Lemma: At the end of phase 1, $dist_1 = 0$ and $dist_i ≥ 1$ for any $i ≥ 2$

Lemma: At the end of phase $r$,

  • Any process $i$ whose $A_i ≤ r-1$, $dist_i = A_i$

  • Any process $i$ whose $A_i ≥ r$, $dist_i ≥ r$

Proof: Assume the lemma holds at phase $r$, now consider phase $r+1$.

  • A process may take multiple actions in a phase.
  • Processes may take actions in parallel.

Typical proof technique for proving self-stabilization:

  • Step 1: Prove that the $t$ actions will not roll back what is already achieved so far by phase $r$ (no backward move)
  • Step 2: Prove that at some point, each node will achieve more (forward move)
  • Step 3: Prove that the $t$ actions will not roll back the effects of the forward move after the forward move happens (no backward move after the forward move)


Claim 1: The blue conditions hold throughout phase $r+1$.

Proof: Induction. Assume the statement for $t$ and consider action $(t+1)$ by some node $i$.

Cannot assume that action $(t+1)$ happends after the $t$ actions

  • For $A_i ≤ r-1$, node $i$ has at least one neighbor $j$ at level $A_j = A_i-1$.
  • By the blue condition and inductive hypothesis, its $dist_j = A_i-1$.
  • Node $i$ only has neighbors at level $A_i-1, A_i, A_i+1$.
  • By the blue condition and inductive hypothesis, their $dist$ will not $< A_i-1$.

  • Hence node $i$ will set its $dist_i = A_i$

Claim 2: Each node $i$ will satisfy the red conditions at some point of time during phase $r+1$.

Proof: Node $i$ takes at least one action in phase $r+1$.

  • For $A_i = r$, node $i$ has at least one neighbor $j$ at level $A_j = A_i-1 = r-1 ≤ r-1$.
  • By the blue condition, $dist_j = A_j = A_i - 1$
  • Node $i$ only has neighbors at level $A_i-1, A_i, A_i+1$.
  • By the blue condition, their $dist$ will not $< A_i-1$.
  • Hence node $i$ will set its $dist_i = A_i$

Claim 3: For each node after it first satisfies the red condition, it will continue to satisfy the red condition for the remainder of phase $r+1$.


After $H+1$ phases, $dist_i = A_i$ on all processes, where $H$ is the length of the shortest path from the most far away process to the root.

After $H+1$ phases, the $dist$ and $parent$ values on all processes are correct.

  • Each process has a single parent pointer except the root. So the graph has $n$ nodes and $n-1$ edges. Each process has a path to the root, thus the graph is connected. Hence it is a spanning tree.