House Robber


198. House Robber 213. House Robber II


If we rob the curr house, we cannot rob curr-1 house.

  1. Keep max_2_house_before as the amount we can get if we do NOT rob curr-1, i.e. we can rob curr.
  2. Keep adjacent as the amount we can get if we rob curr-1, i.e. we cannot rob curr.
  3. Althouge we can rob curr, we do NOT necessarily rob it. We can leave 2 house not robbed to get better result. In this case, we keep adjacent instead of max_2_house_before + curr.
    Complexity: O(n)
    def rob(self, nums):
     :type nums: List[int]
     :rtype: int
     max_2_house_before, adjacent = 0, 0
     for cur in nums:
         max_2_house_before, adjacent = \
         adjacent, max(adjacent, max_2_house_before+cur)
     return max(max_2_house_before, adjacent)

    When the houses are in a circle. We can only rob one of the first and the last house. It is the same as rob nums[1:] and nums[:-1].