Neural network inversion in adversarial setting via background knowledge alignment


Neural Network Inversion in Adversarial Setting via Background Knowledge Alignment

Model Inversion

A technique that aims to obtain information about the training data from the model’s predictions.

Optimization-based Approach

Inverts a model by making use of gradient-based optimization in the data space.

Doesn’t really capture the semantics of the data space.

Require while-box accesses to the classifier to compute the gradients.

Model Inversion Attack (MIA)

It casts the inversion task as an optimization problem to find the ‘optimal’ data for a given class.

Works for simple network but is shown to be ineffective against complex neural networks such as CNN.

Training-based Approach

Inverts a model by learning a second model that acts as the inverse of the original one.

Aims at reconstructing images from their computer vision features including activations in each layer of a NN. Threfore, they train the model using full prediction vectors on the same training data of the classifier.

Use the same training data to train the “inversion” model.

Adversaruak Scenario - Inversion Attack

An adversary is given the classifier and the prediction result, and aims to make sense of the input data and/or the semantics of the classification.

Inversion Settings

Data Reconstruction

Reconstruct unknown data given the classfier’s prediction vector on it.

e.g. the person’s identity in a facial image -> reconstruct the facial image of a person

Training Class Inference

Recover a semantically meaningful data for each training class of a trained classifier.

e.g. a recognizable facial image of an arbitrary person in the training data.

Adversarial Settings

  • The attacker does not have the classifier’s training data.

  • The classifier is black-box.

  • The adversary might obtain only partial prediction results on victim data.

    The partial predictions largely limit the reconstruction ability of the inversion model

    Although the reconstruction is accurate on the full prediction vector, a slight deviation, such as truncation in the prediction vector, will lead to a dramatically different result.