Path Sum III


437. Path Sum III


Solution 1

  1. Consider the node need to achieve a target instead of the path to achieve a target.

  2. For each node, consider all paths start with it, check if the path can achieve the target.

Complexity: $O(n^2)$

Solution 2

  1. Memorize all values of paths from root to current node. Store the values as {value: frequency}.

  2. currPathSum - oldPathSum = target if target can be achieved by this node. Add the frequency to the result.

  3. Remember to remove 1 currPathSum from the cache when switching to another branch.

Complexity: O(n)

def pathSum(self, root, target):
    # define global result and path
    self.result = 0
    cache = {0:1}
    # recursive to get result
    self.dfs(root, target, 0, cache)
    # return result
    return self.result
def dfs(self, root, target, currPathSum, cache):
    # exit condition
    if root is None:
    # calculate currPathSum and required oldPathSum
    currPathSum += root.val
    oldPathSum = currPathSum - target
    # update result and cache
    self.result += cache.get(oldPathSum, 0)
    cache[currPathSum] = cache.get(currPathSum, 0) + 1
    # dfs breakdown
    self.dfs(root.left, target, currPathSum, cache)
    self.dfs(root.right, target, currPathSum, cache)
    # when move to a different branch, the currPathSum is no longer available, hence remove one. 
    cache[currPathSum] -= 1