House Robber III


337. House Robber III


  1. A house can be stolen or not stolen.

  2. Use a tuple to store money that the thief can rob when the house is steal and not.

  3. If a house is stolen, its neighbours CANNOT be stolen. Its neighbours money can be decided.

  4. If a house is not stolen, its neighbours CAN be stolen. We choose max from its neighbours money.

def rob(self, root):
    :type root: TreeNode
    :rtype: int
    return max(self.helper(root))
def helper(self, root):
    if not root:
        return (0, 0)
    left = self.helper(root.left)
    right = self.helper(root.right)
    return (root.val + left[1] + right[1], 
            max(left) + max(right))