Target Sum


494. Target Sum


  1. Store sums and # ways up to nums[i-1] into a dictionary dic.

  2. For nums[i], create a new dictionary.

  3. For each sum in dic up to nums[i-1], sum+k and sum-k can be created in dic[sum] MORE ways.

    This is because sum1-k can be equal sum2+k.

def findTargetSumWays(self, nums, S):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :type S: int
    :rtype: int
    dic = collections.Counter({0:1})
    for num in nums:
        new_dic = collections.Counter()
        for k in dic:
            if k in dic:
                new_dic[k + num] += dic[k]
                new_dic[k - num] += dic[k]
        dic = new_dic
    return dic[S]