438. Find All Anagrams in a String
Use a sliding window to scan through
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Check if the characters in the window is the same as those in
.Can use an array where index represents the character and element represents the count as well. ```python def findAnagrams(self, s, p): “”” :type s: str :type p: str :rtype: List[int] “”” pdic = collections.Counter(p) l = len(p)
if len(s) < l: return []
sdic = collections.Counter(s[:l])
for c in s: if c not in pdic: pdic[c] = 0 if c not in sdic: sdic[c] = 0
res = [0] if sdic == pdic else [] for i in range(1, len(s) - l + 1): sdic[s[i-1]] -= 1 sdic[s[i-1+l]] += 1
if sdic == pdic: res.append(i)
return res ```
PREVIOUSSubarray Sum Equals K