Search a 2D Matrix II


240. Search a 2D Matrix II

Solution 1

  1. Find a sub-matrix for searching.

  2. Apply binary search to each row/col of the sub-matrix.
    def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):
     :type matrix: List[List[int]]
     :type target: int
     :rtype: bool
     if len(matrix) == 0 or len(matrix[0]) == 0:
         return False
     ridx = 0
     for i, r in enumerate(matrix):
         if r[0] <= target:
             ridx = i
     cidx = 0
     for i, c in enumerate(matrix[0]):
         if c <= target:
             cidx = i
     for arr in matrix[0:ridx+1]:
         idx = bisect.bisect_left(arr[0:cidx+1], target)
         if idx >= 0 and idx < len(arr) and arr[idx] == target:
              return True
     return False

    Complexity: O(m logn)

    Solution 2


  3. Search from the top-right grid.

  4. If current grid M[r][c] is smaller than target x, there is no need to consider M[r][:c] since all the grids on the left must be smaller as well. So, x must be in the rows below and we can safely make r += 1.

  5. We keep moving M[r][c] downwards until it’s larger x, then we can safely move leftwards and make c -= 1 since all the grids in M[r:][c] would be larger than x.
    def searchMatrix(matrix, target):
     m, n = len(matrix), len(matrix) and len(matrix[0])
     r, c = 0, n-1
     while r < m and c >= 0:
         if target > matrix[r][c]:
             r += 1
         elif target < matrix[r][c]:
             c -= 1
         else: return True
     return False