Partition Labels


763. Partition Labels


  1. For each character, store its starting point and end point.

  2. Loop through the string. Update the ending point whenever an encountered character ends later.

  3. When the visited character goes beyond the end, a new substring can start. We store the previous substring’s length.

def partitionLabels(self, S):
    :type S: str
    :rtype: List[int]
    dic = {}
    res = []
    for i, c in enumerate(S):
        if c in dic:
            dic[c] = (dic[c][0], i)
            dic[c] = (i, i)
    start, end = -1, -1
    for i, c in enumerate(S):
        l, r = dic[c]
        if i > end:
            res.append(end - start + 1)
            start = i
        end = max(end, r)
        #print(i, c, start, end)
    res.append(end - start + 1)
    return res[1:]