1584. Min Cost to Connect All Points
You are given an array points representing integer coordinates of some points on a 2D-plane, where points[i] = [xi, yi].
The cost of connecting two points [xi, yi] and [xj, yj] is the manhattan distance between them: | xi - xj | + | yi - yj | , where | val | denotes the absolute value of val. |
Return the minimum cost to make all points connected. All points are connected if there is exactly one simple path between any two points.
Solution - Prim’s Algo
Initialize a tree with a single vertex, chosen arbitrarily from the graph.
Grow the tree by one edge: of the edges that connect the tree to vertices not yet in the tree, find the minimum-weight edge, and transfer it to the tree.
Repeat step 2 (until all vertices are in the tree).
def minCostConnectPoints(self, points):
:type points: List[List[int]]
:rtype: int
# Prim
dic = {}
l = len(points)
for i, pi in enumerate(points):
dic[i] = []
for j, pj in enumerate(points):
dis = self.getDistance(pi, pj)
dic[i].append((dis, j))
heap = dic[0]
visited, visited_num = [False] * len(points), 0
visited[0] = True
visited_num += 1
res = 0
while heap:
min_dis, added_node = heapq.heappop(heap)
if visited[added_node]:
visited[added_node] = True
visited_num += 1
res += min_dis
if visited_num >= l:
for neighbour in dic[added_node]:
heapq.heappush(heap, neighbour)
return res
def getDistance(self, a, b):
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1])
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