Happy Number


202. Happy Number


  1. Use set to remember the visited numbers.
    def isHappy(self, n):
     :type n: int
     :rtype: bool
     visited = set()
     while n not in visited:
         s = 0
         while n != 0:
             s += (n % 10) ** 2
             n = n / 10
         if s == 1:
             return True
         n = s
     return False

    Solution - Floyd Cycle Detection


  2. If there is a cycle in the path, can stop to detection already. ```C int digitSquareSum(int n) { int sum = 0, tmp; while (n) { tmp = n % 10; sum += tmp * tmp; n /= 10; } return sum; }

bool isHappy(int n) { int slow, fast; slow = fast = n; do { slow = digitSquareSum(slow); fast = digitSquareSum(fast); fast = digitSquareSum(fast); } while(slow != fast); if (slow == 1) return 1; else return 0; } ```