Kadane's Algorithms



  • Find the largest contiguous elements in an array
  • O(n)
  • Dynamic Programming


Assume we’re finding the largest contiguous elements Maximum in an array A

  1. Optimization The largest contiguous elements S[i] in A that ends exactly with A[i] is S[i]= Max(S[i-1]+A[i], A[i-1]) i.e. the maximum of the largest contiguous elements S[i-1] in A that ends exactly with A[i-1] plus A[i] or A[i] itself (i.e. S[i-1] < 0 and thus is given up)
  2. To find the largest contiguous elements S in an array A, computes S for each element in A, the largest of them is what we want.

2-D Version

Find the largest contiguous rectangles in a 2-D array

Assume the following is the array we need to process

Original Array

Enumerate through the rows. For each pair of row_i to row_j, we compute prefix sum for each column. And then apply Kadane’s Algorithm to the result 1-D array.

Step a

Step b

Step d

Step e

Step f

Step g

2-D Version with K

Find the largest contiguous rectangles in a 2-D array which doesn’t exceed K

Instead of applying Kadane’s Algorithm, we need to compute prefix sum of the 1-D array that ends with col_d now.

Step 1

Step 2

Find M = ceil(S-K) to find the smallest sub-rectangle to be eliminated. S - M is the result.