Coin Change


322. Coin Change

Solution 1 - DP

Solution 2 - Optimal DFS

  1. Sort the coins in decreasing order, so that we always check larger coins first.
  2. Keep current minimum number of coins needed.
  3. Check if it is possible to change the amount within the remaining allowance, i.e. number of coins. If it is impossible, early terminate.
    def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:
     coins.sort(reverse = True)
     min_coins = float('inf')
     def count_coins(start_coin, coin_count, remaining_amount):
       nonlocal min_coins
       if remaining_amount == 0:
         min_coins = min(min_coins, coin_count)
       # Iterate from largest coins to smallest coins
       for i in range(start_coin, len(coins)):
         remaining_coin_allowance = min_coins - coin_count
         max_amount_possible = coins[i] * remaining_coin_allowance
         if coins[i] <= remaining_amount and remaining_amount < max_amount_possible:
           count_coins(i, coin_count + 1, remaining_amount - coins[i])
     count_coins(0, 0, amount)
     return min_coins if min_coins < float('inf') else -1