Longest Increasing Subsequence


300. Longest Increasing Subsequence

Solution 1 - Recursion with Memoization

  1. Remove redudancy by store information in memo.

    memo: memo[i][j] represents the length of the LIS possible using nums[i] as the previous element considered to be included/not included in the LIS, with nums[j] as the current element considered to be included/not included in the LIS.

  2. For each pair of prev and curr, consider either take curr or not.

Time Complexity: $O(n^2)$ Space Complexity: $O(n^2)$

Solution 2 - Dynamic Programming

The longest increasing subsequence possible upto the $i^{th}$ index in a given array is independent of the elements coming later on in the array.

  1. Store the length of LIS upto $i^th$ element into an array dp.

    dp[i] represents the length of the LIS possible considering the array elements upto the $i^{th}$ index only, by necessarily including the $i^{th}$ element.

  2. Loop through all $j < i$ to find the LIS for $j$ which results in LIS for $i$.
    Time Complexity: $O(n^2)$ Space Complexity: $O(n)$

    We only care about the length of the LIS instead of the sequence. Store the elements in an increasing order (with some conditions) to make it ‘least constraining’ for LIS. https://algorithmsandme.com/longest-increasing-subsequence-in-onlogn/

  3. Store an increasing subsequence formed by including the currently encountered element.
  4. If the element > all visited elements: append it to the end of the sequence.
  5. If the element <= some elements: replace the smallest element that is > it by it.