Jump Game
55. Jump Game
Always check if we can arrive at the next position,i.e. curr >= idx.
Keep the furthest position we can approach.
If we can always approach the next position and the furthest approachable is further than the last position, then can jump.
def canJump(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: bool
Unique Paths
62. Unique Paths
Solution 1
For each box, there are two possible directions to approach it (from left or from top).
Sum the two approaches together for the final result.
Space Complexity: O(m * n)
Solution 2
For each box, there are two possible directions to approach it (from left or from top).
We store the number of unique paths...
Decode Ways
91. Decode Ways
The decode ways depend on how many ways the previous substring can be decoded.
The numbers are from 1 to 26, it is possible that one digit can be in two kind of combination.
We can keep track of pre_one and pre_two.
Note: When the digit is 0, its pre_one need to be erased, because it cannot be decoded a...
House Robber
198. House Robber
213. House Robber II
If we rob the curr house, we cannot rob curr-1 house.
Keep max_2_house_before as the amount we can get if we do NOT rob curr-1, i.e. we can rob curr.
Keep adjacent as the amount we can get if we rob curr-1, i.e. we cannot rob curr.
Althouge we can rob curr, we do NOT necessarily rob it. We c...
Combination Sum IV
377. Combination Sum IV
Solution - Memoization
def combinationSum4(self, nums, target):
:type nums: List[int]
:type target: int
:rtype: int
if target == 0:
return 1
if target < 0:
return 0
res = 0
for num in nums:
if target - num in self.dict:
res += self.di...
Longest Increasing Subsequence
300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
Solution 1 - Recursion with Memoization
Remove redudancy by store information in memo.
memo: memo[i][j] represents the length of the LIS possible using nums[i] as the previous element considered
to be included/not included in the LIS, with nums[j] as the current element considered to be include...
Coin Change
322. Coin Change
Solution 1 - DP
Solution 2 - Optimal DFS
Sort the coins in decreasing order, so that we always check larger coins first.
Keep current minimum number of coins needed.
Check if it is possible to change the amount within the remaining allowance, i.e. number of coins.
If it is impossible, early terminate.
def coinChange(...
Climbing Stairs
70. Climbing Stairs
Keep the number of distinct ways to climb n stairs.
dict[n] = dict[n-1] + dict[n-2]
Similar to induction, base case: n = 1 and n = 2
199 post articles, 25 pages.